Battle Cars

The battle cars are at the core of each colony's defense force, modified with state-of-the-art weapons and armor.

Each battle car is heavily customizable. Players can purchase skins, colors, and accessories to personalize them. NFT Mods are also available for battle car customization.

There are currently 8 battle cars ready for combat:

🌵Wastelander: Armed, Agile, Apocalyptic.

🌠Star Bruiser: Stellar, Celestial, Savage

🛡️Blazing Fortress: Tenacious, Titanic, Torrid

⚡Storm Piercer: Swift, Sleek, Searing

🔥Starfire Blitz: Atomic, Ablaze

👹Fear Seeker: Dauntless, Dashing, Deadly

💀Red Death: Ruthless, Relentless

🌌Nebula Fury: Fierce, Fatal

Last updated